On my drive to work this morning, I was praying and giving thanks for my blessings. I paused to take a drink of water between thoughts. “Have you ever thanked me for the water?” Well, I thought…….. I’m not sure. I have, I think, given thanks for the beauty of waterfalls and for the glory […]
I Met an Angel
I met an angel… I met an angel my first day in this world. I was delivered into the arms of a woman who was there to nurture me, to love, to guide and teach, to protect and eventually let go of my hand as I was turned onto the pathway I was meant to […]
The Messenger
I am grateful to the LORD for showing me the pathway that leads back home to our FATHER. It is a narrow pathway, and difficult to navigate, especially when blocked by opposing forces that intend to prevent my successful navigation to home. My life experiences help bring to mind a perfect analogy that displays this […]
Our True Nature
Sharing Words and Ideas
Recently I shared a video that had given me inspiration and insight with a friend who is searching for some answers. I was disappointed when she related to me later that it was too deep and she didn’t “get it” and chose not to watch the whole presentation. After a little bit of thought […]