As a creature of routine, I commonly take time in the morning for reflection, prayer and reading GOD’s word.   Today as I got ready for my day I thought that maybe I’d put aside my “GOD time” until later, Did you just put me on the back burner? Well, yes GOD, I did. but […]

Mind, Body, Spirit

Today as I raised my face to the sunrise of a new day, I was reminded that each day we need to EXERCISE our MIND, BODY and SPIRIT in order to thrive in this world. MIND There are so many wonderful ways that we can exercise our minds By reading a biography of someone who […]

The Pain is Worth the Price

When I see suffering reflected out of another’s eyes, I wonder, why it happens that people must suffer so much? It doesn’t seem fair, how the pain is distributed. Some that are good, must suffer so often, while others appear to get away unscathed. I wonder, How can GOD allow this? How can JESUS quietly […]


On my drive to work this morning, I was praying and giving thanks for my blessings.  I paused to take a drink of water between thoughts. “Have you ever thanked me for the water?” Well, I thought…….. I’m not sure.  I have, I think, given thanks for the beauty of waterfalls and for the glory […]

I Met an Angel

I met an angel… I met an angel my first day in this world.  I was delivered into the arms of a woman who was there to nurture me, to love, to guide and teach, to protect and eventually let go of my hand as I was turned onto the pathway I was meant to […]


I am grateful to the LORD for showing me the pathway that leads back home to our FATHER.  It is a narrow pathway, and difficult to navigate, especially when blocked by opposing forces that intend to prevent my successful navigation to home. My life experiences help bring to mind a perfect analogy that displays this […]

Sharing Words and Ideas

Recently I shared a video that had given me inspiration and insight with a friend who is searching for some answers.   I was disappointed when she related to me later that it was too deep and she didn’t “get it” and chose not to watch the whole presentation.  After a little bit of thought […]