Second Chances

GOD is a GOD if second chances,

We turn away, HE accepts us back when we turn to him.

We sinners do this repeatedly. I know I do.

This pattern repeats itself over and over throughout biblical history and throughout human history.

Recall Adam & Eve, Jonah, King David, the Prodigal Son, Peter, as well as the entire nation of Israel.

Having been given free will, GOD does not force us to turn back to him.  If we turn away and do not turn back, he will let us go.

This is terrifying to me.

When I am in the presence of GOD, there is LOVE, there is light, there is peacefulness, there is comfort, there is trust, there is oneness, there is abundance, there is acceptance, there is salvation.

Turning away manifests hate, darkness, fighting, discomfort, mistrust, separation, deficiency, rejection and desolation.

To me this is a no-brainer, and by that I mean:

“Don’t rely on your brain, let the SPIRIT guide you.”