Prayer Error

So many times when in prayer, the focus seems to be put in the wrong place. It shouldn’t be so hard – after all, we are given a blue print. And what do we see first on the blueprint? Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be […]

The Last Man Standing

Imagine being apostle John in the later years of his life.  He was the last one of those who had personally witnessed the life and the ministry, the miracles and the humanity of Jesus of Nazareth. He wrote of these events when he was decades past the ministry, and years past the martyrdom of his […]

Life on the Road

I know that Satan is prince of the power of the air (and of this whole world), but I don’t often think about the fact that this power includes controlling the roads as well. Often when I am on the highway, in traffic, amongst my fellow drivers, I forget that I am “Of the KINGDOM” […]

GOD shakes his head

Whenever I “react” in a way that shows I am living in this world, not in THE KINGDOM, I visualize God shaking his head at me.  I imagine him shaking his head ALL DAY LONG. But I keep trying, keep learning, keep praising, keep thanking. One step closer every day! 

Second Chances

GOD is a GOD if second chances, We turn away, HE accepts us back when we turn to him. We sinners do this repeatedly. I know I do. This pattern repeats itself over and over throughout biblical history and throughout human history. Recall Adam & Eve, Jonah, King David, the Prodigal Son, Peter, as well […]


“Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.” (Luke 11:1) And he said unto them…. “Our father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, On earth as it is In heaven. Give us this day our daily bread  and forgive us our trespasses  as we […]

Going on a Treasure Hunt

I’m going on a treasure hunt….. When I think of a treasure hunt, many different scenes scroll through my mind. One is that of being on a deserted beach with a metal detector. searching for long lost artifacts. Or it might bring to mind searching through grandmother’s closet, going through layers of history and forgotten […]

Who’s with Who?

It seems that as I journey on my spiritual pathway, I often find that the obstacles and deterrents are removed and the road is made clear, literally opening up before me as I move forward. I noticed this the other day as I was driving. Everything seemed to be going my way……traffic lights, parking spots, […]