Life on the Road

I know that Satan is prince of the power of the air (and of this whole world), but I don’t often think about the fact that this power includes controlling the roads as well. Often when I am on the highway, in traffic, amongst my fellow drivers, I forget that I am “Of the KINGDOM” […]

GOD shakes his head

Whenever I “react” in a way that shows I am living in this world, not in THE KINGDOM, I visualize God shaking his head at me.  I imagine him shaking his head ALL DAY LONG. But I keep trying, keep learning, keep praising, keep thanking. One step closer every day! 

Second Chances

GOD is a GOD if second chances, We turn away, HE accepts us back when we turn to him. We sinners do this repeatedly. I know I do. This pattern repeats itself over and over throughout biblical history and throughout human history. Recall Adam & Eve, Jonah, King David, the Prodigal Son, Peter, as well […]