Perhaps the most fundamental question that mankind confronts is that of “Divine Creation”.
Were the heavens and earth brought to being by a supreme God, or was it random happenstance resulting from a “big bang” in the cosmos?
Most have an answer, whether it be “Absolutely”, “Absolutely NOT”, or “I’m not sure” or “maybe” or “I don’t care.”
As long as humankind existed on earth, words and texts have told of the presence and direct influence of the Creator in daily life within this physical world.
God spoke directly to many in the Old Testament. Walked in the Garden looking for Adam, cursed the serpent and then Cain for the murder of his brother, walked with Enoch, showing him the fall of the angels, instructed Noah in the rescue of those who were to be saved from the flood.
Abraham was blessed and tested, Jacob wrestled with an angel (GOD), Joseph was sold into slavery and yet communicated with God, providing the tribes of Israel with a future, and God made a personal covenant with these men for their future and the future of their descendants.
Moses stood in the very presence of God. (Causing his face to radiate GOD’S light so much that the people were afraid to look at his face!) The Israeli people were witness to plagues, parting of the sea, the destruction of the Pharaoh’s army, manna from heaven, a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night, and a personal instruction tablet written in stone by the very hand of GOD. (Twice!)
Jonah survived inside a whale, Daniel survived the lion’s den, and was the only one able to decipher the “writing on the wall” which was a written directly by the hand of God in front of EVERYONE present!
Many prophets heard God’s word directly, many were saved from harm, many foretold the future and God’s plans for the world and his people.
Those who walked with the savior told of the life and miracles performed, the resurrection. the accession, the “rushing of the mighty wind” describing the manifestation of the Holy Spirit to the believers.
So here we are today, two thousand years (and more) after these texts were written, and the world still questions.
Many of those who haven’t had a firsthand experience doubt or outright deny the very possibility of God’s existence and omnipotence.
Others read and believe. Still others read and question and look elsewhere. Many deny and THEN have a personal epiphany directly from the spirit of God. There are even ones who were witness to the miracles, to the words, and witness to the man, yet still doubted until seeing and touching.
The stories, the words, and the direct link through the Holy Spirit are all laid at our feet. What do we do with all this?
My answer to this question is:
Are you ALL IN, or you are ALL OUT?
Free will, you decide.