I Woke Up Warm Today

I woke up warm today. 

The thermometer outside read 25 degrees, a temperature that freezes the atmosphere, the water, the earth,

And yet, I woke up warm today.

I live in a wonderful structure that shelters me, it’s not quite level, square or plumb, but I woke up warm today. 

I have a furnace in my home, it’s not new, it rattles the ducts and shakes the floor, and still, I woke up warm today.

I have a place to sleep that covers and cocoons me in comfort, which allowed me to rest in comfort, and I woke up warm today.

My eyes opened to a new day with God in my heart, and I woke up warm today.

Thank you, Lord, for providing these gifts and blessings so that I woke up warm today.

2 thoughts on “I Woke Up Warm Today

  1. This writing touched me the most
    I think because I am feeling especially grateful today
    And I also appreciate waking up with all of the comforts we enjoy to keep us feeling warm when it’s cold outside!
    I love your pictures
    I love your reflections & Your writings
    So thoughtful and thought provoking
    And most of all, because while reading them, a feeling of gratitude and thankfulness fills my heart
    Happy Thanksgiving week my beautiful soul sister ❤️🙏😚😚

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